Volt加拿大28软件 (19-24 Years Old)
You’ve waited years to be on your own, and now (with a little help) you’re spending and saving like a pro. 建立您的财务和个人独立与我们的伏特加拿大28软件计划,赚取高达3.00%的年.
What can Volt加拿大28软件 do for me?
We believe you’re the hero of your story. 我们的支票和储蓄捆绑账户让您更好地掌控自己的资金. 我们还提供金融知识的机会,并免费为30岁以上的人提供服务,全国有1000台自动取款机.
Here are just some of the benefits of Volt banking:
它支付与伏特节省伏特成员看到他们的储蓄增加迅速赚取3.00%的年* on savings balances up to $1,000.
Your Volt debit card will let you use 30,000 CO-OP ATMs for free. If you use an out of network ATM, fees are $3.00.
生活发生了. 钱可能会很紧. 我们提醒您,跟踪您的帐户是值得的,从而保护您免受昂贵的费用.
减免的费用包括:- NSF Check, ACH Item, or 借记 Card Transaction Fee - $26.50美元(一般35美元)
- NSF ATM取款- $26.50美元(一般35美元)
一定要使用 网上及手机加拿大28软件 工具,如 警报, to keep track of your account and avoid overdrafts.
At 18, Volt members can qualify for a Visa Rewards 信用卡. It starts with a credit limit up to $1,000和低利率,同时让你建立奖励积分,永远不会过期.
There are numerous benefits of getting a credit card early in life, 比如建立信用,了解信用卡和借记卡的区别.
Here are some tips to keep in mind for using credit cards for beginners:
- Pay your bill before it’s due so you don’t incur interest charges.
- 你可以用它来应付小的紧急情况,只要你每月按时付款,如果你不能全额还清.
- 如果你没有正确使用它, 你的账户可能会遇到麻烦,这不是开始你的信用基础的好方法.
- 信用卡不同于借记卡,因为你借的是你的余额,必须偿还. a debit card which deducts from the cash you have in your account. 你想练习使用这两种方法来消费,并体验它们如何影响你的财务状况.
青少年的财务资源 & 年轻的成年人
学生储蓄账户允许大学生建立他们的储蓄,同时从余额中赚取利息. You can make deposits manually, 设置自动存取资金,以管理您的财务需求.
绝对. 储蓄是一项基本的财务知识技能,应该在高中就开始练习, 大学, 及以后. Because many 大学 students are on a tight budget, 有一个小的应急基金来处理意外开支是一个好主意. It could keep you from calling your parents to ask for cash, charging your credit card or accessing a payday loan to cover costs.
College student 储蓄账户 are geared to students’ unique needs. Flexibility is built into the process, such as having no minimum balance requirements or monthly fees.
是的,毫无疑问. Student 储蓄账户 build an emergency fund for a rainy day, safely store extra cash to accrue interest, and build healthy financial habits for the future.
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY). 的速度 3.00%的年 applies to balances up to $1,000 on Volt banking 储蓄 accounts. Terms and conditions subject to change.
Zelle及其相关商标由预警服务公司全资拥有, LLC and are used herein under license. Must have a bank account in the US to use Zelle.